The Beginning

EchoToday I had my first echocardiogram. I wasn’t having any heart problems, nothing of the sort. I had been getting the veins fixed in one of my legs and in order to continue with schlerotherapy treatment- basically injecting foam into my veins so they stick closed and no longer bulge- I had to get an echo done to make sure my heart was in tip-top shape. I found the procedure fascinating! I admit, I’m an ER/Grey’s Anatomy junkie, so anything medical intrigues me. I had never been hooked up to an ECG before, so monitoring my heart rate, (and noticing how nervous I was!) was quite interesting. I also thought it was really neat watching the screen and seeing the blotches of blue and red slosh through my heart. It was a really interesting experience. Once my doctor gets the results, then I should be able to continue with my vein treatment.