Urgent Referral?

Ahhh!Okay, now I’m scared. All was well in the world, as I worked away today, until I went on my break and checked my phone for messages. I had a voicemail from my GP saying to call back today to confirm an appointment with my specialist. My specialist? Say what? So I called my GP, confused, and was told that I had been urgently referred to a cardiologist! The receptionist wouldn’t tell me anything about my “condition,” just that I needed to call the cardiologist’s office today to confirm my appointment. So I called the cardiologist’s office and told them my name, “Oh, right, you’re the urgent one.” What??? Why am I urgent? And why on earth am I being referred to a cardiologist in the first place? I’m a runner. I’m in perfect health, or so I thought, and I have never had any heart problems, nor has anyone in my family. I didn’t say all this to the receptionist, of course. I just took my appointment, as calmly as possibly, which will be next Tuesday, and went back to work in a daze. I was planning on running 15k tomorrow, but maybe that’s not such a good idea…