Sign Me Up!

So I’m getting the device! No open heart surgery for me, assuming all goes as planned. 🙂

I met cardiologist #2 today- the interventional cardiologist, who seemed really great. He answered my long list of questions, from my worries of a nickel allergy, to making sure I could still run a half-marathon with the device. He gave me all the necessary information, and gave me a quick checkup, before asking if I wanted to proceed with this option. I said “Sign me up!” It definitely beats having to be put on bypass and then spend two months recovering from a major surgery! My recovery time should be quick.

My surgery date is June 12th. I’ll have the pre-labs/ECG requisition mailed to me a couple of weeks before surgery, and then all I have to do is show up at the hospital on the 12th in the morning, and will most likely be discharged that evening.

This is what the device they’ll be putting in my heart looks like: