September Stress Test

This month marks one year since finding out I have an ASD! What better way to celebrate than by having a stress test 😛 I headed to ERH early this morning for my test with Dr. D. After putting on a gown and getting all the electrodes and belt attached to me, I was able to update Dr. D. on how I’ve been doing lately and ask him some of my questions. However, this visit was mostly for the stress test, so I didn’t have the chance to ask all the questions on my annoying long list-next time! I described my chest pain and he said it doesn’t sound like a dangerous type, so that’s good. I also told him about the fatigue I’m still having. He said if it lingers for another month or so and my heart is operating fine (based on the next echo), the he’ll look into other possible explanations. It could be that my heart is still healing.

So the stress test was rather uneventful. Most of it was walking and only the last two or three minutes was actually running at an incline. I don’t feel like it actually “stressed” me all that much. I definitely work out harder during my runs. Dr. D. reviewed the ECG strips and said I did well- yay! He’d like me to have another echo in a month and then go over the results, so I’ll be able to ask all my questions at that time.

Now I’ll continue getting back into my running regime, and not have to worry about how my heart is handling the stress. So far this month I’ve run 31km 🙂