Ref Questions

I thought it would be a neat idea to keep track of some of the reference questions I have been asked. If you’re an MLIS student, this will give you an idea of typical reference questions asked in a public library and help you practice answering questions. Also, I can look back on these questions and think of how I’d answer them the second time, thus improving my mad information retrieval skills 😉

  • I need information on creating a public service announcement- are there any books or other resources on the subject?
  • I received a medical report from my doctor saying I had an angiomyolipomas- what does that mean?
  • I have to write a paper on the pros and cons of school uniforms- where can I find information?
  • Do you have any books on the side effects of drugs?
  • My daughter loves Harry Potter; are there any other books you think she’d like?
  • How do I download audiobooks onto my iPhone?
  • Plus, 654,824 questions on how to use the photocopier.