Storytime Success!

My first storytime was a complete success! I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun at work before. I was beyond surprised at how natural it felt and how much I enjoyed it right away. I suppose they’re right when they say that your comfort zone may actually be the least comfortable place. Don’t walk… run out of your comfort zone- that’s what I learned today. (Read more.)

My group consisted of 54 kids and parents/grandparents etc. 54!!! Most kids were preschool age- 3-5. They really liked the Pout Pout Fish. I thought it may be too long for the little ones, but everyone enjoyed it. Tip: Start off with your longest story first! Fidgety Fish was a hit, as well. One boy asked me to read it again, but then when I asked the rest of the group if I should read it again, there were a few no’s, so I continued on to my next story. I was grateful to receive some advice from my fellow coworkers about adding stretches to my plan. Tip: After each flannel and/or story add a stretch! It can be totally simple “Stretch up high, reach the sky…” but little kids can’t sit still for very long and need to move around. I was so surprised at how much fun they thought these silly little stretches were. Simple pleasures, I suppose; I could learn a lot from these little folks. My giant fish puppet was a big hit- lots of oooohhs and ahhhhs. It really helped to make my “Critters in the Sea” song more fun. I finished by giving everyone a glittery fish sticker, which was well received. I was thrilled with the feedback I received! I really didn’t expect as much, as this was my first storytime. I thought you had to be really silly/quirky in order to be entertaining to kids, but apparently there are many different storytime styles that are successful. Several parents said my choice of books was great and that the program was really well done. One boy came up to my fellow librarian afterward and asked if I would be coming back. That warmed my heart. ♥

I may have found my true calling in this library world! Could this digital/adult services librarian be crossing over to the other side of library land; a land full of puppets and nursery rhymes and Pout Pout Fish? Time will tell 🙂 If nothing else, I have added to my skill set and have made myself a more well-rounded librarian- one who can put together a successful preschool storytime, just as well as she can conduct an eReaders workshop.