I came across an interesting read the other day that I thought I’d share: So you want to be a medical librarian, perhaps? The article interviews four medical librarians and gives useful advice on how they got started in the field. For any of you out there interested in pursuing a career in the health sciences, as I am, it’s definitely worth a read!
My own tips, which I have done so far, include the following:
join a professional association (CHLA)
take a course in medical librarianship in grad school- my favourite class at SJSU!
complete a medical terminology course- St. John Ambulance offers classes
focus your undergrad degree on a health-related specialty- I majored in psychology
practice searches using PubMed and become familiar with the MESH browser, as well as any medical databases you have access to
follow medical librarians/libraries/associations on Twitter and Facebook
interview a medical librarian
volunteer in a hospital library or any health information resource facility
Good luck!