A New Year Begins

Happy New Year, Library Land!

I’m officially working as a Librarian now- no more living in library limbo, working in Circulation and on-call as a librarian. I now have a librarian position mainly doing adult services. The majority of my job consists of planning programs for three branches. I also teach 1-on-1 computer courses, do class visits and run Lego Club, on occasion, as well as the day-to-day collection development, displays, staffing the information desk etc. All in all, I’m busy!

My first “real” planned program will take place this Wednesday- I’m really hoping we have some attendees! Adult programs are not always well-attended in our libraries. It takes a lot for people to head to the library after a long day of work, just to attend a workshop/presentation. It needs to be an interesting enough presentation or provide information that will benefit people enough to make the trip worth while, such a important health or nutritional information. I’m hoping that enough people will take interest in this program. It has been advertised on Facebook, Twitter, around the library on posters and on a book display, as well as the usual press releases. This is my first attempt at programming, as I’m a newbie, so it’s all a learning experience.

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